Ko He Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The type section, as well as its naming location, is on Ko He ("He Island"; also spelled Ko Hi) in Phuket Province. Proposed by Raksaskulwong and Wongwanich (1993), revised by Chaodumrong and others (2004, 2007), Department of Mineral Resources (2007). The Ko He Formation is considered probably equivalent to the lower pebbly part of the Khao Phra Fm of Piyasin (1975).
Synonym: หมวดหินเกาะเฮ
Lithology and Thickness
Diamictite, sandstone and mudstone. Mainly pebbly rocks or diamictite with subordinate, intercalated mudstone and sandstone. It is poorly sorted, with clasts generally less than 10%, and a matrix consisting of silty mud to muddy sand. Clasts are generally smaller than 2 cm. 120 m thick at the type section.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Conformably overlies laminated mudstone thought to be the Spillway Fm at the type section.
Upper contact
Khao Phra Fm (conformable
Regional extent
Upper Peninsula - Phuket Terrane.
Depositional setting
Glaciomarine and debris-flow deposits (Ampaiwan T. et al., 2009). Alternate interpretation had been submarine fan deposits.